Evaluation of Wine Grape Cultivars and Selections for a Cool Maritime Climate
The primary trial was established in 2000 at two vineyard plots, one located at Mount Vernon research station and one located with Louis Dailly at his vineyard near Concrete. A randomized block of 3 replications, with 5 plants per replication has been established. At the station site, plot size is 10′ rows with 6′ between plants, total area of the planting approximately 0.5 acre. The upriver plot is planted at 8′ rows with 6′ between plants. In addition, a preliminary evaluation, consisting of three plants per variety in two rows at each location, has been established to test certain other varieties/selections which can be added to the primary trial later if their performance warrants inclusion. A rootstock trial of Pinot Noir 2A has been planted in both locations, consisting of seven rootstocks plus self rooted plants, to test for earlier ripening potential. This trial includes five plants of Pinot Noir 2A on each rootstock, replicated three times, established at each plot location. Plants rooted in 1999 were planted in spring 2000. Irrigation lines, posts and wires have been installed and training vines will begin in spring 2001.
PDF: Evaluation of Wine Grape Cultivars and Selections for a Cool Maritime Climate