Expanding Content of UC Integrated Viticulture Online (IV Website)
UC Integrated Viticulture Online (IV) was envisioned by the PI in 2006 and became a functional website in 2007, providing viticultural contacts, publications and materials in an encyclopedic style. It has been a vehicle for many researchers to use for their outreach, and a source of information for those in the grape growing and wine industry. The software and server are supported at no additional cost to the PI by UC ANR, although supplemental services such as filming and video editing are charged. IV staff consists of one website administrator who works directly with the PI in designing the site and determining the type of and manner in which content is added. In July 2010, the IV website underwent a major revision of the UC ANR software. This necessitated learning the new system and inspecting/redesigning pages. In spite of this surprisingly complicated upgrade–not an annual occurrence–the 2010-11 objectives were largely met. The website posted four video links that UC ANR staff recorded/formatted of seminars that the PI organized: Wine and Wine Grape Research 2010 (February 2010); Variety Focus: Sauvignon blanc (May 2010); CDFA Quarantine Regulations for European Grape Vine Moth discussion; and a Brown Marmorated Stink Bug lecture (December 2010). Wine and Wine Grape Research 2011 will be held and videotaped in February 2011. Since May 2010, 9 new topics have been added to the ‘Viticulture Information’ area, with 18 publications posted (mostly from California Agriculture magazine), and three new resource listings. New menu areas were designed in 2010. ‘Current UC Viticulture Research’ was set up by designing a new database and page template to feature in-progress research. Several entries are already posted, each loaded with a summary, viewable publications, photos, contact information, data and videos (as available). Each listing takes considerable attention from the PI and website administrator to assemble, but they are important outreach tools for the researchers as well as useful information for industry to know what work is being conducted, by whom, and some preliminary data, without waiting for the project to be completed and published. ?Hilgardia,? the second new menu area, was created to house the anticipated collection of digitized scans of viticulture articles from that journal?the first are expected Summer 2011. Progress on IV has focused on the internal workings for the upgrade and new database. These successfully completed, attention will shift to uploading content and putting together new pages during the remainder of the funding cycle. Although the website administrator works overall halftime on IV, the bulk of searching for content is done during January-June (after the FPS Grape Program Newsletter and summer projects are not competing for time). Events and time-sensitive materials are always added as soon as available throughout the year. IV is well known at this point for being a reputable repository for scientific viticulture information.