FTIR Spectrometer
The investment provided by the American Vineyard Foundation in 2002 was used to purchase a Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) Spectrometer from FOSS North America. We were able to use the money to leverage significant educational discounts from FOSS. We received the instrument in the summer, and were able to put it into operational condition with the help of FOSS personnel. We did experience one significant software problem that hindered progress. The cause was recently identified by FOSS personnel in Europe and relates to a software upgrade that has now been solved. In our case, FOSS North America moved swiftly to correct problems and spent significant periods of time training us in the use of the software. We are indebted to Constellation Wine Company for extensive support we received from their Principal Chemist, Mr. Steve Kupina. Mr. Kupina?s experience with the Winescan software and the reference chemistry he was able to provide on grape juices, were invaluable in the calibration of the Grapes can software. We also received significant reference chemistry assistance from Mr. Randy Asher of McCalls Winery & Distillery for Must under Fermentation software calibration. The instrument is now being used extensively by the Faculty on a number of research projects:(a) Evaluation of the effect of six different irrigation treatments on yield and quality of Cabernet Sauvignon grape produced in the San Joaquin Valley. (b) Evaluation of the effects of timing and differential nitrogen applications on the quality and nutritional status and wine quality of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. © Comparison of fruit and wine quality characteristics of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes produced in three regions of California and one region in Washington State. (d) Effect of Messenger on Leaf Photosynthesis, Vine Performance, Fermentation Potential, and Wine Chemistry in Cabernet Sauvignon Grapevines. (e) Develop and implement control methods for Eutypa dieback disease. (f) Wine composition prior to and during study of micro oxidation. (g) Wine composition during study of utilization of fermentable nitrogen. (h) Effect of wine closures (cork and manufactured) on wine composition. (i) Differences in chemical composition of oleate versus non-oleate treated raisins. (j) Chemical analysis of juice fermentations by different strains of yeast.