Production and Management of Aroma Compounds by
Summary of Major Research Accomplishments and Results: The primary objective has yielded some good preliminary results that indicate that it will be possible to do GC-TOF on extracts of cells grown in wine. As many of the constituents in wine can be harsh to sensitive equipment, this is an important component of the proposed work. Cells are washed prior to preparation for analysis but there are still phenolics present in the cell pellets as indicated by the red color in the extracts. The analysis of the samples revealed some expected as well as unexpected results (Table 1). Table 1 includes all of the metabolites that showed a significant difference between the wine and media grown cells in either of the two strains assayed. NS indicates no significant difference between the amounts of the metabolite in the sample. Units are relative and are based upon peak area. When cells are grown in wine there is a higher level of lipid associated metabolites, as would be expected as a reaction to the alcohol in the wine. Other differences are less easy to understand and less predictable. Many of the sugar metabolites are elevated in the wine but fructose metabolites are the same in the wine and the medium. Amino acid metabolites are variable with some higher in wine and some in medium and some showing no difference. Interestingly, urea is elevated in the wine. There are also strain differences indicated in the data. With one exception, these are differences only in whether or not there are significant differences in certain metabolites and not in the general trend of metabolite levels in media versus wine. This data is very preliminary and we should avoid trying to over analyze the data at this early stage. The main thing we can say is that the methods are working and we are able to see significant differences in the data (Figure 1). The metabolites that were identified but showed no statistically significant differences in either strain are shown in Table 2.