Search for, and Development of, Nematode Resistance in Grape Rootstocks
We released, to the grape industry, five rootstocks with broad and durable resistance toIhe root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita race 3), two strains of root-knot nematode that overcome the resistance of Harmony rootstock (Meloidogyne arenariastrain A and Meloidogyne incognita strain C), and the dagger nematode (Xiphinemaindex), with resistance to Grape Phylloxera, and with a range of rooting characteristics.We continue our search in Vitis and Muscadinia spp. for sources of resistance to nematode species that are important in California vineyards. This year we have focused our attention on the ring nematode. Criconemoides xenoplax; we have evaluated accessions of wild species and many crosses among Muscadinia and various Vitis species.