Smoke Taint Sensory Interactions

Evaluate and select Pinot noir and Cabernet Sauvignon wines that contain various levels of smoke taint During the first few months of this project I recruited a student to perform this project. We also managed to collect 120 wines, Pinot noir and Cabernet Sauvignon, from industry collaborators that have had some level of smoke impact. Wines were primarily from the 2020 vintage and many were from winemaking tirals, of which we have the trial information. We have started doing sensory analysis of the wines to determine the level of smoke impact. Sensory procedure we are using can be found in (Fryer and Tomasino, 2022). Panels are happening weekly and all wines are being evaluated in duplicate. We are evaluating 10 wines per week, and have sensory panels scheduled through March 2023. After each sensory panel we are pulling 50 mL samples for future chemical analysis. All samples are being stored at -80°C. Storage at the temperature is very important to ensure that no changes happen with the wines during storage. Wines that have been stored in December have started to go through sample prep for bound smoke glycoside analysis, as both bound and free analysis of wines are scheduled to start in March 2023. After the smoke analysis is done we will move onto other compounds.