Soil Pest Profile for Grape Rootstocks
At this time we can present a ranking of sixteen rootstocks and indicate their deficiencies and attributes as a tool of nematode management. FREEDOM — {V. champini X 1613C by Weinberger/Harmon 1967). This is one of the best rootstocks for broad resistance to nematode species. It has excessive vigor and will perform best in sandy or loamy sand soils. Its single major nematode problem is a particular root knot nematode, M. arenaria pv. Harmony, which is rare in occurrence but may eventually build up on it and become a problem in the subsequent vineyard. Freedom performs as well as any rootstock against ring nematode and citrus nematode. It is reported to provide protection against Type A and Type B phylloxera. It does tolerate nematode feeding, though not as well as Ramsey. Sandy soils having ring nematode present should be fumigated before planting. RAMSEY — {V. champini formerly called Salt Creek). This stock imparts even greater scion vigor than Freedom. It should be considered for use in the sandiest soils where no pre-plant fumigation is planned (this needs testing). This stock is damaged most by M. arenaria pv. Harmony and is more susceptible to ring nematode than is Freedom. Propagation is somewhat difficult. Ramsey is one of the best sources of broad nematode resistance and has untapped utility as breeding stock. Ramsey generally grows better in the presence of nematodes than it does in their absence. TELEKI 5C — {V. berlandieri X V. riparia selected from Teleki 5A, 1924). Presumably, this stock does not impart as much vigor as Freedom or Ramsey. It has broad resistance to root knot nematodes, except H. arenaria pv. Harmony. It is susceptible to root lesion nematode and citrus nematode. It provides some protection against X. index build-up but not against the ring nematode or X. americanum. Observers have reported it to do best in the best soils but we find it to grow as well in sand or sandy loam. This rootstock should not follow plantings that host root lesion nematode or M. arenaria pv. Harmony. It provides